
Dilligaf – does it look like I give a F..

Don’t you ring on my doorbell, then promise me Hell, if I
Don’t respond well to shit that you tell me
You sing out your Death-knell like Archangel Azrael
Call me as well like im part of your Sapropel (sludge at bottom of lake or ocean)

Got no place for your case in my headspace,
Same grit, same face, in my personal base and you’re
Chomping at the bit, a fat nag in a horse-race
Swamp me in ur shit, price tag’s on your shoelace

Do I look like I give a fuck?
Do I look like I give a fuck?
Do I look like I give a fuck?
If you’re looking for sympathy, you’re fresh out of luck

Don’t you look down on me, like you’re better than me, you just
Work for the same company for which im an employee, you should just
treat us equally, no matter the race, creed or your sense of equity
you just think you’re superior cos they pay you a bit more than me

You called me to this meeting to let me know that I’ve been Fired
But really its only because im treating you like you should’ve been retired
Long ago, and I’m beating you every day with my better brain cos I’m fully wired
You started cheating From the first day I got hired

Do I look like I give a fuck?
Do I look like I give a fuck?
Do I look like I give a fuck?
If you’re looking for sympathy, you’re fresh out of luck