Perfect Plantation – Only getting worse

© 2021
Its all for the New Society
They now know the real plague is the ‘Family’, just
trust in the State and you’ll be happy
Cos’ they now know the TRUE meaning of Equality
Our elected leaders would like to find Seeders to rebuild The Perfect Plantation
This new one is global, designed by the Cabal, their plan for High Civilisation. (and they say)
we don’t need the flags, or the creeds or the tags of regressive redundant old Nations
They say that they care for us and we should all get on the bus, next stop the ‘Final Solution’
Don’t have to clean toilets, wait tables, pick cotton or live like wage-slaves anymore
Don’t need to go crawl, cleaning floors in the mall, or sell soap, meat or fish door to door
You’ll never again have to crush in a train, on your way down the drain in the city
Get TVs for free, have muffins for tea and you’ll all find yourselves sitting pretty
On Biden’s orders, they kept open the borders, to let in all those grateful willing would-be slaves
2 million illegal immigrant ‘goats’, it’s just food & cash-for-votes while many more rot in shallow graves
The stuttering old man in his senile trance on Afghanistan sold out all our girls and boys
Tops his tan in Delaware while the Taliban are taking care of all the latest weapon-tech-toys
You’ll do pretty well, escape today’s living hell while the Feds will be guarding your door
They’ll stop criminal fun while they confiscate guns so you won’t need those bullets no more
You’ll save more when you earn less and surer you learn best when you’re guided by Facebook and Hey Google
You’ll absorb so much more about doing fine when you’re poor and being more careful and grateful and frugal
Maybe you’re illegally here, you’ll have nothing to fear just as long as your vote is secured
You’re forever gratefully, certain your fate will be healthy and comfy and sure
Your internet’s paid, your future is made and they’ll see that you’re safe evermore
Social Media won’t ban you cos no-one will scan through your texts and your tweets anymore
Nasty kids in the shadows are leading Joe to the gallows making their bids for the big power seat
Next up is Kamala, she don’t care if no-one loves her, as she double-deals with the global elite
There’s too many people alive, only few should survive the new viruses we’re cooking
“We can target White DNA”, they say, “waste them all away, they can die in their little beds while no-one is looking”
I really should say that there may be some days or weeks when your own internet’s down
With so much to pay for the Leaders can’t ensure free service stays up in your town
Some days if the food’s late, you might have to wait cos sometimes the quad-copters are broke
And don’t be distressed if your one view to the West is occasionally obscured by the smoke
I guess most the time, you’ll be safe from street crime if you’re smart and you just stay indoors.
Do you need to go out when you know its about that you’ll pick up those new viral spores?
If Hey Google hears you tell others, your sisters and brothers you don’t worship the Amazon Prime logo
They’ll send brutes down your street with big boots on their feet cos they can track you wherever you go
And Black Lives Matter and such won’t matter too much if you ain’t got a touch of simply being either just black or white, and
All the mega-money meddlers and their Group Think peddlers just wanna suck you in if you got no appetite for their fight
…but they’ll say
you’re insane if you say you’re aware that all the pain comes from that place where far right meets far left
You’re in chains if you use your brains and oppressed if you think you know for yourself what’s best
Now their vast global Legions will stop all rebellions by the mis-guided ‘ignorant’ kind, and
The Warriors Woke will be ready to choke off the rebels who spoke outa line
We already have soldiers and workers and queens and drones, just like bees in a hive,
They promised us health, wealth and easy loans that they’ll give us to just stay alive
In this last chance election, you’ll make your selection, you’ll follow the old ‘freedom’ rote
They’ve freed the child killers, the gloating rape gorillas, so now these pigs all get to vote
You won’t have no regrets cos you placed all your bets on this system that simply can’t fail
You shouted ‘equality!”, now you get hypocrisy in this ‘Freedom & Democracy’ Sale
And its all been tried before today
They’ll crush anyone who gets in their way
And you’ll never see quite how the dream all went wrong
And they’ll most likely do me, for singing this song
When Leaders in towers will spend all their hours on how to get more from much less
They’ll have rules about age, they’ll be right and your rage will be seen as just pure selfishness
As Workers get older, the plans will get bolder as food resource dwindles away
They’ll just choose ‘volunteers’ who’ve had quite enough years and replace them with the youth of the day
“Old folk wait in line here we’ll give you free wine, beer, you’ll be smilin’ when you get to the showers
Your service was long but you’re no longer strong so we’ll be sending your family some flowers”
They’ll take care of the crime but it may take some time cos y’know Rome wasn’t built in a day
They’ll ask that you bear with them, please don’t despair of them, just trust they’ll achieve what they say, one day
And its all for the best they say
Take your worries and throw them away
Just let them run it all their way
And you’ll live a bit longer and better life till that maybe brighter day
Waiting for that brighter day…