Our children – what do we do with our children ?
Butcher ‘doctors’ ready with pseudo-science honey
Hypnotise parents with less sense than money
Penis to Vagina with a flick of their knives and so-called
‘Gender-Affirming’ surgery on little kids’ lives
They reach 18 and wonder who did this? Now
what kind of Mum or Dad let them cut off my penis?
I would’ve been ok if they’d simply let me mature
Maybe a childish mistake but I don’t wanna live no more!
I made the mistake of not learning anything my Dad taught me:
Don’t accept a ride with anyone you don’t know
Don’t get swept along to places we told you can’t go
Don’t be tempted by fast money, quick wins or promised fame
Don’t be seduced by last chances, cos life ain’t a game
The man on the corner says he believes he might just have what you need
He says he knows someone very big who knows someone even bigger who can help you succeed
He says if this guy likes you and if he strikes you as cool he’ll take you to a sunshine island where its fly and they don’t live by silly rules
He says I’ll give you a strip, so you can trip and you’ll make it cos you clearly have all the tools
The teachers only teach the convenient truth and
wisdom is no matter for the current youth
the parents sigh and look the other way
they just get high and get cancelled anyway
I played with high stakes, believed my Mam would always support me, she said:
Don’t take any pills you didn’t get on prescription
And don’t drink when you’re (ill, or) down or you can bet on addiction
You reap what you sow so don’t plant your seeds in dirt
Just keep what you know, and you wont lose your shirt
Or get hurt…